Welcome to my personal website

About me

I'm a (soon to be) Computer Engineering graduate from UBC. My interests over the year has been continuously shifting, with a current focus on machine learning and reinforcement learning. I adore learning and creating, with a mantra of "the more you know, the more you can apply said knowledge elsewhere". Always give 110%, always be willing to learn, to teach, and to lead.


  • Machine Learning (Deep Neural Network, Reinforcement Learning)
  • Software app development (mobile, desktop)
  • Fullstack development
  • Embedded software development
  • FPGA development


  • Tinkle around with codes
  • Gaming - bonus if I can fiddle with the game code itself
  • Trivia knowledges - particularly of design principles, economics, and history
  • Cooking and baking

A more detailed CV could be found here.